Monday, October 14, 2019

Go, God’s Got This

In Acts chapter 9 we read about the salvation of the apostle Paul (Saul). He was a fierce opponent of the early followers of Jesus and had gone to extremes to have them arrested and even put to death. While traveling 135 miles to Damascus, Saul was stopped in his tracks by a light from heaven with Jesus speaking to him asking him why he (Saul) was persecuting Him (Jesus). Saul was then instructed to go to Damascus to wait for further instruction. Being blinded he was led into the city where he waited three days, praying while not eating or drinking.

As Saul was waiting, God was also prepared Ananias who was being sent to this notorious opponent. The details given to Ananias in a vision were very specific, even to the point of him being told that Saul also had a vision that Ananias, by name, would come to him. As specific as the instruction was, Ananias still responded with a “but,” fearing that Saul may actually be given access to them to further their persecution. Jesus responded to Ananias with, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel…”

Ananias had a choice. He could disregard the instruction from God and live in fear of Saul, or he could listen and go, trusting Jesus to do as He said. Ananias went and became the one blessed to lay hands on this most famous apostle to the Gentile world.

God may not speak to us through visions as was done with Saul and Ananias, but every day we have choices to make as we seek His leading in the varied situations of our lives. The encouragement for all of us is to trust His leading on our hearts and in the situations laid before us, and obediently go forward to see what He does knowing God has it under control.

Sherman County eNews Spiritual Matters - 10/11/2019

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