Titus 2:3. Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious
gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good,
It might be very easy for guys to check out
on this one and say that it does not apply. But here we have to be careful,
both in the sense that the characteristics spoken of here do cross male/female
lines, and also that husbands are charged with loving their wives and seeing
that they are given support and encouragement in growing into the kind of woman
spoken of here and who Paul refers to as one who “has no spot or wrinkle or
any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless.”
I’ve been
involved in the Boy Scouts for a long time and even as a leader I am expected
to uphold the Scout Oath and Law. The Scout Law is a 12 point statement of
attributes that Scouts are to strive for, where the last of them is that “a
Scout is reverent.” Here is how it is
described for the scouts: “A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in
his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.” While this does not carry the exact intent of
the usage in Titus, it does reflect an institutionalized recognition that all
people, men and women, are to be reverent in their behavior toward God and
One thing I
noticed about the Scout Law and its influential source, the Bible, is that one
cannot be reverent without being respectful. In Paul’s closing comment on
marriage, Ephesians 5:33, we read that women are to be respectful toward their
husbands. Peter even speaks of the wife winning her disobedient husband by her pure
and respectful behavior (1 Peter 3:2). The New International Version, in
translating this verse, speaks of the husband being won as he responds to the
purity and reverence shown by his wife.
reverence is just the start of the list, but it is a critical start. All of the
other character traits of the Titus woman stem from her living as one who is
reverent toward God and toward others. One who is respectful will not gossip,
something men do as well. One who is reserved will not lose control by diving
into alcohol, again men are guilty here. And one who is focused on doing right,
male or female, will be one who is able to show others how to do so as well.