Audio Sermon Links

Sermons can be streamed online or downloaded by clicking on the following audio links. (Click here to view downloadable text from sermons)


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Stephen's Defense - Part 1 (Acts 7:1-16) (8/25/19 - GV)
Stephen, the Face of an Angel (Acts 6:8-15) (8/18/19 - GV)
Chosen to Serve (Acts 6:1-7) (8/11/19 - GV)
Go, Stand and Speak (Acts 5:12-42) (8/4/19 - GV)
Pure Generosity (Acts 4:32-5:11) (7/28/19 - GV)
Boldly Shaken (Acts 4:23-31) (7/21/19 - GV)
Compelled to Tell (Acts 4:1-22) (7/14/19 - GV)
Compelled to Tell (Acts 4:1-22) (7/14/19 - K)
The Miracle and the Message (Acts 3) (7/7/19 - GV)
Day by Day Devotion (Acts 2:42-47) (6/30/19 - GV)
A Holy Calling (1 Peter 1:13-25) (6/23/19 - Kent)
The Response of Thousands (Acts 2:22-41) (6/16/19 - GV)
The Helper Has Come (Acts 2:1-21) (6/9/19 - GV)
Readied by Prayer (Acts 1:12-21) (6/2/19 - GV)
Commissioned to Go (Acts 1:1-11; Matthew 28:16-20) (5/26/19 - GV)
They Really Saw Him (Luke 24:13-36) (5/19/19 - GV)
The Harvest is Reaped (Mark 13:24-37) (5/12/19 - GV)
Signs of the End (Mark 13:14-23) (5/5/19 - GV)
Signs of the Time (Mark 13:1-13) (4/28/19 - GV)
Set Free (Mark 16:9-16) (4/21/19 - GV Easter)
He's Alive (Mark 16:1-8) (4/21/19 - K Sunrise - rerecorded)
Responding to the Cross (Mark 15:40-47) (4/19/19 - GV Good Friday)
The Ninth Hour (Mark 15:21-39) (4/14/19 - GV)
Hail, King Jesus (Mark 15:1-20) (4/7/19 - GV)
No, Not Me! (Carsten von Borstel) (Mark 14:66-72) (3/31/19 - GV)
Who Do You Trust (Stan Earl) (Mark 14:53-65) (3/24/19 - GV)
Arrested and Abandoned (Mark 14:43-52) (3/17/19 - GV)
Devotion (Mark 14:27-42) (3/10/19 - K)
The Last Supper (Mark 14:17-26) (3/3/19 - GV, 1st 10 min. from Kent)
The Last Supper (Mark 14:17-26) (3/3/19 - K)
Anointed and Prepared (Mark 14:1-16) (2/24/19)
The Widow Gave (Mark 12:35-44) (2/17/19 - K)
The Widow Gave (Mark 12:35-44) (2/17/19 - GV)
God's Totally Sufficient Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17) (2/10/19)
Asking the Right Question (Mark 12:13-34) (2/3/19 - GV)
Asking the Right Question (Mark 12:13-34) (2/3/19 - K)
Revival (Various passages, Carsten von Borstel) (1/27/19 - GV)
Affirmed to Lead (Titus 1:5-9) (1/27/19 - K prior to annual meeting)
The Stone the Builders Rejected (Mark 11:27-12:12) (1/20/19 - GV)
The Stone the Builders Rejected (Mark 11:27-12:12) (1/20/19 - K)
With Authority and Power (Mark 11:12-26) (1/13/19 - GV)
With Authority and Power (Mark 11:12-26) (1/13/19 - K)
From a Manger to a Grave (Mark 11:1-11) (1/6/19)
True Greatness in Service (Mark 10:35-52) (12/30/18 - GV)
True Greatness in Service (Mark 10:35-52) (12/30/18 - K)
Good News of Great Joy (Luke 1:1-20) (12/23/18 - GV)
Good News of Great Joy (Luke 1:1-20) ) (12/23/18 - K)
Emmanuel, God With Us (Matthew 1:18-25) (12/16/18 - GV)
Emmanuel, God With Us (Matthew 1:18-25) (12/16/18 -K)
Jesus Gave Enough for You (Mark 10:17-34) (12/9/18)
Curing the Hard Heart (Mark 10:1-16) (12/2/18)
In Jesus' Name (Mark 9:38-50) (11/18/18 - GV)
In Jesus' Name (Mark 9:38-50) (11/18/19 - K)
Loving the Least (Mark 9:30-37) (11/11/18)
Victory in the Valley (Mark 9:14-29) (11/04/18 - GV)
Victory in the Valley (Mark 9:14-29) (11/04/18 - Kent)
Majesty on the Mountain (Mark 9:2-13) (10/28/18 - GV)
Majesty on the Mountain (Mark 9:2-13) (10/28/18 - Kent)
Jesus, Sight for Sore I's (Mark 8;27-9:1) (10/21/18 - Roger Whitley, Grass Valley)
Seeing with Unclouded Eyes (Mark 8:11-26) (10/14/18 - Grass Valley)
Seeing with Unclouded Eyes (Mark 8:11-26) (10/14/18 - Kent)
The Compassion of Christ (Mark 8:1-10) (10/07/18)
Jesus Does All Things Well (Mark 7:24-37) (09/30/18)
Living Inside Out (Mark 7:14-23) (09/23/18 - Grass Valley)
Living Inside Out (Mark 7:14-23) (09/23/18 - Kent)
Setting the Table for Salvation (Colossians 4:2-6) (09/16/18, Family Camp)
Freedom to Love (Mark 7:1-13) (09/02/18)
It's the Gospel Proof (1 Cor. 15:1-8,12-19,58) (08/26/18)
With Shepherd's Eyes (Mark 6:45-56) (08/19/18, opening of message not recorded)
Abundantly Fed (Mark 6:30-44) (08/12/18)
Inseparable (Mark 6:14-29) (08/05/18)
In His Footsteps (Mark 6:1-13) (07/29/18)
Believe! (Mark 5:35-43) (07/22/18)
His Body His Blood for Us (1 Cor. 11:23-26) (07/15/18)
The Healing Touch (Mark 5:21-34) (07/08/18)
Set Free to Proclaim (Mark 5:1-20) (07/01/18)
Hearing to Understand (Mark 4:1-12) (06/03/18, Grass Valley)
Hearing to Understand (Mark 4:1-12) (06/03/18, Kent)
One Family in Christ (Mark 3:31-35) (05/27/18)
Indivisible We Stand (Mark 3:22-30) (05/20/18)
Healing Outstretched Hands (Mark 3:1-12) (04/29/18)
Freedom in the Grainfields (Mark 2:23-28) (04/22/18)
Living in New Skins (Mark 2:18-22) (04/15/18)
The Amazing Power of the Gospel (Romans 1:11-17) (02/18/18, FBC-Grass Valley)
The Amazing Power of the Gospel (Romans 1:11-17) (02/18/18, Kent BC)
The Gospel Messenger (Romans 1:1-7) (02/11/18, FBC-Grass Valley, OR)
The Gospel Messenger (Romans 1:1-7) (02/11/18, Kent Baptist Church, Kent, OR)
Walking in the Light (Matthew 2:1-12) (12/31/17, First Christian-GP)
A Fresh Start (Exodus 12) (11/05/17, Redwood Country Church-GP)
The Tenth Plague (Exodus 11) (10/29/17, Redwood Country Church-GP, The audio copy is not available, but the text is available below as a downloadable PDF)
Seeing with Clear Eyes (Luke 8:26-39) (10/22/17, GBC-GP)
Our Plans in God's Hands (Proverbs 16:9) (08/13/17, Redwood Country Church, Grants Pass)
Delivered to Declare (Luke 8:26-39) (06/25/17,GBC-GP)
Walk Worthy (Colossians 1:3-12) (09/11/16, GBC-GP)
Living a Refocused Life in Response to Christ (John 21:1-14) (05/22/16, CCCG, AZ)
Other Audios for sermons at CCCG, Arizona are not available. Text is below)
Living a Reoriented Life in a Mixed Up World (John 14:1-11) (05/01/16, Crossroads)
Called and No Going Back (John 21:1-14) (04/17/16, GBC-GP)
That We Might Believe (John 20:19-31) (04/10/16 GBC-GP)
Abiding Love (John 15:1-18) (04/03/16, GBC-GP)
The Resurrection - It's the Gospel Proof (1 Corinthians 15) (03/27/16, GBC-GP)
Come Lord, Come! (John 14:18-31) (03/20/16, GBC-GP intermittent microphone issues)
The Helper (John 14:12-17) (03/13/16, GBC-GP)
Jesus is the Only Way (John 14:1-11) (03/06/16, GBC-GP)
Our Life-His Hands (John 11:25-26, entire chapter) (02/21/16, GBC-GP)
The Lord is My Shepherd - II (John 10:11-21) (02/14/16, GBC-GP)
The Lord is My Shepherd (John 10:1-10) (02/07/16, GBC-GP)
Proofs of a Miracle and Belief (John 9:24-41) (01/31/16, GBC-GP)
Proofs of a Miracle and Intimidation (John 9:13-23) (01/24/16, GBC-GP)
Proofs of a Miracle - I (John 9:8-12) (01/17/16, GBC-GP)
Power Demonstrated in Weakness (John 9:1-7) (01/10/16, GBC-GP)
Before Abraham was Born, I AM (John 8:48-59) (1/3/16 - No audio. Link for text is below)
Standing Firm as One (Philippians 4:1-9) (06/28/15, GBC-GP)
Spiritual Warfare - The Word and Prayer (Ephesians 6:17-20) (06/21/15, GBC-GP)
Spiritual Warfare - Peace, Faith & Hope (Ephesians 6:15-17) (06/14/15, GBC-GP)
Spiritual Warfare - Always Ready (Ephesians 6:13-15) (06/07/15, GBC-GP)
Spiritual Warfare - Readied for Battle (Ephesians 6:10-17) (05/24/15, GBC-GP)
Spiritual Warfare - Stand Firm (Ephesians 6:10-13) (5/17/15, - No Audio. Link for text is below)
The Father's Impact (John 8:39-47) (05/10/2015, GBC-GP)
Set Free (John 8:31-38) (05/03/2015, GBC-GP)
Belief is a Life or Death Issue (John 8:21-30) (04/26/2015, GBC-GP)
Even If - God (John 8:13-20) (04/19/2015, GBC-GP)
Christ Jesus Our Advocate (John 7:53-8:11) (04/12/2015, GBC-GP)
Come Meet Jesus (Easter; Matthew 28:9 and more) (04/05/2015, GBC-GP)
Hosanna - The Savior Has Come (Matthew 21:1-11) (03/29/2015, GBC-GP)
The Light Has Come (John 8:12) (03/22/2015, GBC-GP)
Come and Drink (John 7:37-52) (03/15/2015, GBC-GP)
Where Did He Go? (John 7:25-36) (03/01/2015 GBC-GP, there are spots of static due to microphone)
Proven Inside and Out (John 7:17-24) (02/22/2015, GBC-GP)
In the Crowd and Not Of It (John 7:1-16) (02/15/2015, GBC-GP)
Where Else? (John 6:60-71) (02/08/2015, GBC-GP)
This Bread Is For You (John 6:41-59; 1 Cor. 11:23-26) (02/01/2015 GBC-GP)
Blessed Assurance (John 6:36-40) (01/25/2015, GBC-GP)
Life Questions (John 6:22-35) (01/18/2015, GBC-GP)
Rejoice in the Reunion (John 6:16-21) (01/11/2015), GBC-GP)
Walk as Children - Young, Old, and In-Between (1 John 2:12-14; 3:1) (0104/2015, GBC-GP)
Believing the Unbelievable - One Question-Two Responses (Luke 1:18, 34) (12/28/2014, GBC-GP)
The Greatest Gift (December 21, 2014 - Audio did not turn out. Link for text is below)
God's Perfect Timing - Simeon's Peace (Luke 2:21-35) (12/14/2014, GBC-GP)
God's Perfect Timing - Zechariah's Prophecy (John 6:15; Luke 1:67-80) (12/07/2014, GBC-GP)
Belly Filling Bread (John 6:1-15) (11/09/2014, GBC-GP)
Testimonies of Truth (John 5:30-47) (10/26/2014, GBC-GP)
Two Resurrections - A Matter of Life and Judgment (John 5:25-29) (10/19/2014, GBC-GP)
The Claims of Christ (John 5:19-24) (09/21/2014, GBC-GP)
A Journey of Faith (John 4:43-54) (09/14/2014, Grace Bible Church, Grants Pass, OR)
Fertile Faith (Hebrews 10:19-25) (AUDIO - 06/06/2014, Faith Baptist Church, Alturas, CA)
Fertile Faith (Hebrews 10:19-25) (VIDEO - 06/06/2014, Faith Baptist Church, Alturas, CA)
Responding to the Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:58) (06/22/2014, Basin Bible Church, Newell, CA)
The Cross Matters (Romans 12:1-9) (11/03/2013, Crossroads-GP)
You Are Not Alone (John 13) (06/03/2012, Crossroads-GP)

Totally Sufficient (2 Timothy 3:16-17) (11/29/2009, Crossroads-GP)
Totally Comforting (Psalm 139) (02/02/2010, Crossroads-GP)
Totally Supported (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12) (03/07/2010, Crossroads-GP)
Totally Faithful (1 Corinthians_10:13) (06/20/2010, Calvary Crossroads, Grants Pass, OR)

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