“Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our
flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature
children of wrath, even as the rest.” (Ephesians 2:3, NASB95)
In the social media I regularly see posts about groups of
people who claim to walk by one standard yet embrace lifestyles that are not
consistent with the standard. Specifically, I am thinking today of a group of
“Christian ministers” standing together holding hands in unity as they held up
signs in front of an abortion clinic proclaiming, “Pro-faith, Pro-family,
Pro-choice.” These pictures brought a strong response from some, with one
popular blogger writing, “Pray for their souls. They are marching right into
Hell and singing songs along the way. Pray they turn back before it's too late.”
Under the auspices of denouncing the shame “thrown” upon women seeking
abortions, these people came together to bless the abortion facility and the destructive
and murderous work that it does.
I can understand standing against shaming people and preferring
to act graciously toward them, but bending truth in order justify their
repulsion of the shame is not the answer. The reality is that these ministers
have already bought into a liberal theology, one that allows them to
selectively pick and choose from God’s word what they will accept and how they
will apply it. They substitute the happiness of man for the will of God,
decrying anyone who would deny a person seeking what is right in their own
Today we have a growing number of churches who hold to
statements such as, “[xxx xxx] Church is a caring, inquiring, inclusive
community worshiping God, pursuing the way of Christ, serving neighbors near
and far with hearts, hands, and minds.” And, “… encourages thoughtful inquiry;
takes the Bible seriously, but not literally.” What is the difference between
“pursuing the way of Christ” and submitting to the headship of Christ? What is
the difference between “seriously” and literally? Simply put, the Bible to them
has become a voice among voices, but not THE voice in the decisions they make as
they seek to embrace and include those around them. This might seem like a
wonderful ideal, but in adopting it they have let their idealism cloud truth.
They have set aside the word of God as the true and inerrant word of God and
have adopted is as mere counsel to help inform their ideas.
Paul, in writing to the Ephesian believers, drew a contrast
between the way they once lived and the new life that had been set apart to
live. While they surely struggled at times in walking according to the image of
Christ they were reminded that it was Christ who changed them and set them
apart to live differently. This meant setting aside some things that they once
did or believed for that which God has declared to be right and good. It meant
even setting aside some “fleshly” desires or things that seemed good at the
moment for the right way that God has set apart for them in His word. When they
were subject to the rule of the evil one no one should have been surprised that
they walked in step with the evil one. But afterward as children of God, saved
by Christ, and indwelt by the Spirit they were called and enabled to walk
differently. They were no longer to indulge or even entertain indulging those
other things.
In Christ there is a perfect balance between truth and grace
which does not require watering down one in order to accommodate the other.
Sure, society might stand up in angry resistance to Christians because they do
not embrace their desires, views and lifestyles, but why should we be
surprised. We know from God’s word that those who do not know Christ are
children of the devil, and the devil is opposed to God. We also know that those
who do not know Christ do not have the Spirit of God in them and are led by the
prince of the power of the air. We know that those who do not know Christ do not
feel compelled to abide by the Word of God nor adhere to what God declares as
right and good. There should be a stark contrast between them, and we should
not be surprised when we see it become an issue in our culture and our personal
But for believers to alter the word and live in a
compromised way is not the answer. I’m sure among them there are those who have
been deceived by wolves and misled by their view of compassion in order to
represent God as a loving and gracious God who accepts all people in all
circumstances, and permits them to openly embrace those same things. But in
doing this they have lost sight of the truth that God also has called us to
live differently, and not according to the way we once walked. Paul is
reminding his readers that they too once walked according to the flesh or the
ways of the world, the evil one, and their own desires as people who were
separated from God. But this was not the “now” case, and as such they were
evidencing this change by walking accordingly.
I am greatly troubled by these religious leaders using their
position to lead people into deception and a distorted gospel. But more
personally, I am troubled when I continue to do those things that are contrary
to how God would have me to walk as well. It’s not just them. We’ve all been
called to walk differently in Christ because we have a new identity. We have
been purchased by His blood, set free from the law of sin, and have been
enabled to walk victoriously before Him. We have been shown grace by God and He
has given us His word to hide in our hearts and to direct our steps. He has
shown us even by the example of His Son in Scripture how to walk rightly among
those who would oppose this while challenging people to look to God and trust
that He indeed does love them and has sent His Son to draw them back to Him. And
we have been given the Spirit to indwell and enliven us, to make His word
living and active, and to guide us in our walk with Him. We can walk in truth
with grace without compromising either one. Whether people accept us for it or
not really is not up to us but to God who draws people to Himself, who opens
their eyes, and gives them His great gift of salvation. We are not to let our
desires be the determinant of our belief, but to allow God to shape our desires
according to His truth as we seek after Him and walk as He has called us to
walk in the power of His Spirit.
Paul, in encouraging Timothy near the end of his own life,
wrote, “Now you [Timothy] followed my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith,
patience, love, perseverance, persecutions, and sufferings, such as happened to
me at Antioch, at Iconium and at Lystra; what persecutions I endured, and out
of them all the Lord rescued me! Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ
Jesus will be persecuted. But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to
worse, deceiving and being deceived. You, however, continue in the things you
have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,
and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to
give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ
Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for
reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God
may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:10–17, NASB95)
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