“…just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the
world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him.” (Ephesians 1:4, NASB95)
I was reminded this morning listening to someone else that
when you lose your train of thought it is probably best to just move on. Most
of the time, at least for me, it is just an illustration of something else that
I lose and not the subject matter itself. Several days ago I spent some time
working through verse 4 and writing down some of my observations and thoughts
concerning this passage. When I was done I saved it to the “cloud” because this
is what you do with electronic tablets. Yet when I went to retrieve it from the
cloud storage and continue where I had left off I found that it was not there.
I guess I shut my tablet down before the upload had completed (So much for carrying
an electronic device instead of a yellow paper pad). Coming to terms with the reality
that my own thoughts were gone, I am reminded that the truth which I was
observing when I had those thoughts had gone nowhere. God’s Word is the same as
it was a couple of days ago, and it is the same as when it was diligently
translated into the English which I understand, which is still the same as when
it was originally given to the apostles and prophets. God’s words haven’t
Paul wrote that we were chosen by God before there was ever
one day of our lives. We were chosen before there was even one day in His
creation. We were chosen by Him before all of this ever existed, and He chose
us with the full knowledge of who we would be, all that we would be capable of,
all that we would do whether evil or good, and knowing every single sin that we
would ever commit This even includes the ones that we commit after we recognize
His choosing and we have believed in His Son to be saved. God chose me totally
apart from anything good about me. In fact, He chose me when He knew that there
was no good in me, and in His goodness and kindness He chose me to receive the
righteousness of His Son to replace my own unrighteousness.
He did not choose me because He knew that I would become
good, but because He knew what good He would do in me and how He would then
prove Himself through me as I live in that goodness before Him with the
goodness which He gave to me. In writing this long run on sentence I was
reminded of His creation in the beginning and how at the end of each day He saw
what He had made and pronounced it “good,” even “very good” after the sixth day
with the creation of man. When He had completed His creation there was no bad
(evil) in it. It was holy, blameless, and good. It was right, with no wrong.
Man was perfectly righteous with the righteousness of God in which he was
created. But then man sinned. Satan entered the garden after being cast down
from heaven and he deceived the woman. Both she and her husband then ate, and
sin entered the world. From that time forward both the nature and practice of
man was sin-dominated. Paul wrote in Romans that there are none that are
righteous, emphasizing it by restating, “no, not one” (Romans 3:10).
Knowing this to be our condition, even the angels in both
heaven and those cast to earth were left to observe what would happen next,
probably expecting nothing better of us. God created man and man failed. One
might be tempted to say of us that if we were to build a team and then that
team fell apart that we failed ourselves because we allowed them to do so. And,
we know from Scripture that Satan has tried this tactic even as He accused God
of showing partiality toward Job because of how He favored Job. But God demonstrated
in Job that He was working something else. Maybe the same thing can be said of
us. God was not caught by surprise when the first man (Adam) sinned, just as He
is not caught by surprise when I sin today. Yet before He created Adam and all
of us who followed He chose to draw some to Himself and to demonstrate in them
His great love and power to redeem that which is lost.
I think we are all touched when we see someone’s life
radically turned around. We see stories of this in the news and in social
media. Our hearts are touched by how people acting in compassion have reached
into the lives of others. Even the world that does not know God considers this
a valuable thing. There is this part in us that knows when we have been touched
down deeply. It is no wonder then that the God who created us chose to use that
ability to be touched to demonstrate Himself to be real to those who do not
know Him. It is no wonder that God chose us who were slaves to sin and the evil
one to demonstrate His power to change lives such that people look at us and
are amazed.
This is the visible side which the world sees, but we also
see that God chose us primarily that we might be holy and blameless “before
Him.” This is how He made man originally and this is how He makes us to be in
Christ at the moment we are saved. All of our sins passed away and we are made spiritually
alive with the righteousness of Christ. Then as He works in us we grow in
practice to live in accord with who we are. God did it. He does it still, and
He gets all of the credit to His glory. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing….”
“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels,
so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from
ourselves;” (2 Corinthians 4:7, NASB95)
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