“…just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the
world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him.” (Ephesians 1:4, NASB95)
Knowing that I was heading into an area of Scripture over
which there is some disagreement and remaining mystery I took extra time to
refresh my own studies and affirm my understanding in such a way that I could
hopefully explain it without compromising in any way this incredible truth that
God chose everyone who would believe and there are none that believe that are
not chosen. I poured through pages upon pages of commentaries and what I came
to again was that what God said He did He did indeed do. There is no explaining
it away or minimizing it in order to suit our own pride or preference. Paul
wrote here that these believers as with all believers were chosen in Him before
the foundation of the world. We were chosen not only before we were born, but
before that world that man was created to inhabit itself was created. God chose
us before we could prove or disprove ourselves, totally apart from any merit,
demerit, or perception of greater need or willingness. Simply put, He chose us
for reasons known to Him, and as a result He gets all of the glory.
This truth of Scripture is known as election, and those who
are chosen are called by Him as His elect. Being in a campaign season we are
used to seeing people talk about how election worthy they are as they seek to
prove themselves to the voters. And then on a day certain the voters will
consider what they have heard, balance it against their own preferences, and
make a choice by either going to the poles or by mailing in their ballot.
Following this all of the ballots will be counted and winners will be announced
and then inaugurated. They will have been chosen by the people as their elected
representatives. This process is all about a popular vote
based upon agreement or merit. It is not decided by one individual and it is
not decided without the candidate having proved himself in some way.
God chose not to work this way. He chose to elect certain
people from before the beginning based on His own totally infinite reasoning
such that through us He might be glorified. Simply put from our perspective, if
it were based upon us then He would merely be the one who recognized the merit.
But because He chose us without merit, He is the one who gets the glory. I
guess from man’s perspective that he could claim this unfair or arbitrary as
some have argued. But consider this, every single one of us has sinned and to
be quite honest we still sin. There is not one of us who is without sin, and
there is not one of us who would have any standing before a perfect and holy
God. Not one of us has any claim to His forgiveness or any of the blessings
which He so freely bestows. What we deserve is the condition in which we are apart from Christ which is spiritual separation and judgment. That is what we deserve. So, for
God to choose any of us is a gracious act of love on His part, and one that He determined required Him to sacrifice His own Son to accomplish for us. The Bible tells us that while we
were yet sinners Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). This is how God showed His
love. And for Him to choose someone specifically is something that rests with Him as
well. Scripture clearly declares that God’s wisdom is far above our wisdom, and
to impute anything else is to venture into territory in which we are vastly overwhelmed.
How incredibly freeing it is to realize that our salvation
came not based upon what we did but because of who He is. God knows everything
about us, and He has known it since before we were ever conceived in our mother’s
womb (Psalm 139:13), where He knit us together. This means that God chose us
with all of our shortcomings, our failings including even those not yet done, and
everything else about us so that we might be vessels of His glory by His power working
in us. He chose us to be His ambassadors in a world that does not know Him.
He chose us as the church to be the bride for His Son—our Lord Jesus Christ. He
chose us to demonstrate His great power, and He has given us His Spirit to work
in us to do incredible things.
What is not covered in this verse, but is in others is
another truth which stands equally in Scripture and that is personal
responsibility. Some would say that man is totally responsible for this
decision to choose, that salvation is a matter of His own free will and that God
takes no role in forcing man’s hand (so to speak). But this argument doesn’t
wash with the truths of Scripture such as the one we are looking at today. God chose us. Some
would soften this some and say that God looked through time and that those who
are chosen are the ones who would one day decide—these are His elect. This also
falls short for the same reasoning. The truth of Scripture is that God made
these choices. But Scripture does also say that man has to believe to be saved.
Jesus Himself said that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have
eternal life (John 3:16). He also said that "everyone who lives and
believes in Me shall never die" (11:26). Scripture has numerous commands
to the unsaved to respond to the Lord. John MacArthur in his commentary on
Ephesians listed some of them (e.g., Josh. 24:15; Isa. 55:1; Matt. 3:1-2; 4:17;
11:28-30; John 5:40; 6:37; 7:37-39; Rev. 22:17), adding that these passages “clearly
indicate the responsibility of man to exercise his own will.”
So what is it? Did man chose or did God? This is how we tend
to think. We think these have to be mutually exclusive for one of them to be
true. But this is how we approach things, and not how God does. John MacArthur
went on to add, “Yet the Bible is just as clear that no person receives Jesus
Christ as Savior who has not been chosen by God (cf. Rom. 8:29; 9:11; 1 Thess.
1:3-4; 1 Pet. 1:2). Jesus gives both truths in one verse in the gospel of John:
"All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to
Me I will certainly not cast out" (John 6:37). God's sovereign election
and man's exercise of responsibility in choosing Jesus Christ seem opposite and
irreconcilable truths--and from our limited human perspective they are opposite
and irreconcilable. That is why so many earnest, well-meaning Christians
throughout the history of the church have floundered trying to reconcile them.
Since the problem cannot be resolved by our finite minds, the result is always
to compromise one truth in favor of the other or to weaken both by trying to
take a position somewhere between them. We should let the antimony [Isa. 54:11;
1 Chron. 29:2, lustrous stones] remain, believing both truths completely and
leaving the harmonizing of them to God.”
I stumbled for a bit with his use of the word “antimony.” As
I looked at it in Scripture and on the internet I found that antimony was a lustrous
stone and not a term that I could easily understand as it was used. So I looked specifically at the two
passages in which it is used to find this, “Now with all my ability I have
provided for the house of my God the gold for the things of gold, and the
silver for the things of silver, and the bronze for the things of bronze, the
iron for the things of iron, and wood for the things of wood, onyx stones and
inlaid stones, stones of antimony and stones of various colors, and all kinds
of precious stones and alabaster in abundance.” (1 Chronicles 29:2, NASB95)
Could it possibly be that he meant that each of these truths are separate
stones shining forth in their fullness in the one setting made by God? It sure
made sense to me.
Ray Stedman wrote, “As hard as it is for us to understand
and accept, the fact is that we are chosen by God. Jesus said so Himself,
"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him" (John
6:44). That's putting it plainly, isn't it? You can't come to Christ unless you
are drawn by the Father. God has to initiate the activity” (Our Riches in
Christ, p. 29). But then he added in the next paragraph, "Then why does
God appeal to our individual human will? For in Matthew 11:28 we also read,
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you
rest." That means it's up to us as individuals to make a choice. You
cannot become a Christian until you choose to come--yet it is equally true that
you cannot choose to come unless God has chosen you. Both facts are true. We
can't reconcile them in out puny intellects, but we can accept them by faith.”
And lest I might get boastful in having made the choice, I
am always reminded that God chose me before the foundation of the world and
that, according to John 6:37, all that the Father had given to Jesus (including me) will come
to Him. It is a done deal. Somehow in God’s incredible way I responded, and
for that I am so eternally thankful to Him and give Him all of the glory.
How about you? If you are not saved and you are reading this
ask yourself, “Why?” Ask God believing that He will hear and do, to give you
the same salvation given to so many others as a free gift. The incredible
truth of His word is that you will be saved.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His
only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have
eternal life.” (John 3:16, NASB95)
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