Today Sarah writes about our God who created beauty, and of
those things she mentioned that proclaim His presence in the world are the
magnificence of the rose and a “hauntingly glorious sunset.” Living in the
cloud of smoke from forest fires we are strongly presented this week in
southern Oregon with the destruction that comes with these fires. The smoke
that fills our air, even many miles away, represents things that once were and
now have been consumed with fire, and it reminds us that a battle is being waged
to bring those fires under control. Yet throughout our day we are presented
with a bright orange orb placed in the sky above—the sun. This is especially evident
in the morning sunrise and the evening sunset. When the fires first started we
had a contrast between the skies above and the smoke below, but as the fires
have continued their advance the distinction has given way to a constant gray
filled with ash.
In our lives it is so easy for things that press in on us to
choke out the beauty that surrounds us, and more importantly even lead to our
losing sight of the Son of God—Jesus Christ who reigns at the right hand of God
the Father and who rules in our lives, providing us with the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit. It is when the smoke in our hearts gets thick that we need to be
mindful that the smoke will pass, but our God won’t. His faithfulness endures
forever, and His strong arm is our salvation. It is here that we need to stop
and reassess the battle and to place our trust in the One who gives us daily
victory and in whom we have our hope.
Psalm 146:5-6 How
blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, Who made heaven and earth, the sea and all
that is in them; who keeps faith forever;
Walking outside it is recommended that we wear a mask to
filter out the dangerous particles in the air. As we walk through the struggles
of our days, that mask dwells in us and is our constant help and protection. We
would be wise to wear the mask outside, and we would be even wiser to trust in
the power of Christ who gives us life as we take our every breath.
Colossians 1:13-18 For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the
kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of
sins. He
is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all
things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and
invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things
have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all
things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is
the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to
have first place in everything.
Today in “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young (7/30)
Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. I created beauty to
declare the existence of My holy Being. A magnificent rose, a hauntingly
glorious sunset, oceanic splendor – all these things were meant to proclaim My
Presence in the world. Most people rush past these proclamations without giving
them a second thought. Some people use beauty, especially feminine loveliness,
to sell their products.
How precious are My children who are awed by nature’s
beauty; this opens them up to My holy Presence. Even before you knew Me
personally, you responded to My creation with wonder. This is a gift, and it
carries responsibility with it. Declare My glorious Being to the world. The
whole earth is full of My radiant beauty – My Glory!
Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the
Lord in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29:2 (NKJV)
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