Last week in
the Romans study I have the privilege of teaching we looked at chapter 8,
verses 14-25. In this passage we looked at several of the assurances that we
are a child of God when we have placed our trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation.
In looking at these verses we considered several things we can know as a result
of the various ways that the Holy Spirit works in our lives here and now. This
includes the inseparability of the link between suffering and glory. As crazy
as it seems this is an intended relationship that reminds us both of how
temporary things are now and how wonderful things will be for all eternity.
With the now comes struggle and suffering along with strengthening and victory
as God demonstrates His constant love and watch care leading to times of joy,
assurance, and hope. All of these point us to a time when the struggling will
cease and glory will be fulfilled.
afternoon I was working on Jonny’s career arrow (an actual arrow with painted
markings reflecting the things he has accomplished while as a Cub Scout). As I
worked on the arrow it also gave me an opportunity to reflect on my career
arrow, or maybe more accurately God’s career arrow in my life. There have been
so many times when I had to set forth on something new, desired or not, and
have wondered and even fretted about how they would turn out. Over the years,
as I have seen God demonstrate His watch care in my life and that of my family
and as I have seen Him accomplish so much, I have grown in the ability to look
back and reflect with appreciation and then look forward with anticipation.
Today Sarah writes about heaven being both present and future. It is present
because of His presence that is shown us in so many ways and because of the joy
we can experience as a result. And it is definitely future because one day this
will pale in comparison to what awaits. Being a Christian is not about grinning
and bearing it until my ship comes in. No, it is about living a life in
dependence on a God who loves me and who has a plan for my life.
Today in
“Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young (4/14)
Heaven is
both present and future. As you walk along your life-path holding My hand, you
are already in touch with the essence of heaven: nearness to Me. You can also
find many hints of heaven along your pathway, because the earth is radiantly
alive with My Presence. Shimmering sunshine awakens your heart, gently
reminding you of My brilliant Light. Birds and flowers, trees and skies evoke praises
to My holy Name. Keep your eyes and ears fully open as you journey with Me.
At the end
of your life-path is an entrance to heaven. Only I know when you will reach
that destination, but I am preparing you for it each step of the way. The
absolute certainty of your heavenly home gives you Peace and Joy, to help you
along your journey. You know that you will reach your home in My perfect
timing: not one moment too soon or too late. Let the hope of heaven encourage
you, as you walk along the path of Life with Me.
But Christ
has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen
asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes
also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made
alive. But each in his own turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes,
those who belong to him. 1 Corinthians 15:20-23
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