Jesus has the
ability to open eyes. When His disciples were concerned about only having one
loaf of bread, they began to discuss how they had no bread. Just before this
event in Mark chapter 8, Jesus had just fed 4,000 men plus women and children with
seven loaves. Earlier He did the same feeding about 5,000 men plus women and
children with five loaves. The disciples could even tell Him how much was left
over each time. Yet they had no concept that with Jesus their one loaf could be
more than enough. While they were discussing bread, Jesus was talking about
something much more serious to which they were totally tuned out. Seeing this He
rebuked them for their hardness of heart leading to them not having eyes to
Immediately upon
reaching shore, a man born blind was brought to Him. In response Jesus was
moved to heal him, but only part-way. The man was enabled to see only part way
with men appearing as trees. There was no clarity as if he were seeing in a fog
or with cataracts. It was after the man saw this way that Jesus then took the
additional step to restore him to full sight. This was most likely not done for
the man’s benefit, but His disciples’ who were not putting the pieces together.
They had been seeing Jesus as in a fog with hearts that were closed to who He
really was. Later, after His resurrection, Jesus would speak to His disciples
again in Luke 24:41 opening their minds to clearly see and understand.
As it was then, so it
is now. God always sees clearly, and we can trust Him to give us the sight we
need. This is true whether it is in coming to salvation or even to trust Him
when we are walking through tough times where our sight is dim.
(Written on 10/16/18 for Sherman County eNews Spiritual Matters)
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