in our English translations of the Bible we find an original language word that
is worded differently based upon the context of a specific passage and maybe a
special facet of the word that is not fully captured by any single English
word. This is the case with the Greek word “peirasmos” which is translated
variously as temptation, trials, and tests. In working through the passages
dealing with this one Greek word I developed an amplification of one of those
verses (1 Corinthians 10:13).
“There is
no test, no trial, no temptation to sin, no pushing, pulling, prodding, or
anything else that comes my way that makes me any different than anyone else.
We all experience these things, maybe in different ways and at times to
different degrees, but I am no different than anyone else.
He is always faithful in all things. With every trial, test, or temptation—no
matter how big or how small; with all of these things He has set a limit to
them. He will not allow anything into my life beyond which He also has not
given the ability to victoriously endure. With every single test, trial, and
temptation He has provided a way of escape, and He will keep me from being
crushed, and He will bring me out standing on the other side. This is true
whether that other side is realized in this life or ultimately in His presence.
This is a certain fact.
I will place my trust in Him and look not to the size of the situation, BUT to
the size and faithfulness of my GOD.”
It is my hope that this
might help you as it has me in reminding us who we need to turn to when things
get tough and then commit to trusting God in response.
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