“After the two days He departed for Galilee. (For Jesus Himself
had testified that a prophet has no honor in his own hometown.) So when He came
to Galilee, the Galileans welcomed Him, having seen all that He had done in
Jerusalem at the feast. For they too had gone to the feast. So He came again to
Cana in Galilee, where He had made the water wine.
“(45) And at Capernaum there was an official whose son was
ill. When this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to
him and asked him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of
death. So Jesus said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.”
The official said to Him, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” Jesus said to
him, “Go; your son will live.” The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to
him and went on his way. As he was going down, his servants met him and told
him that his son was recovering. So he asked them the hour when he began to get
better, and they said to him, “Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left
him.” The father knew that was the hour when Jesus had said to him, “Your son
will live.” And he himself believed, and all his household. This was now the second
sign that Jesus did when He had come from Judea to Galilee.” (John 4:43–54,
Okay, this time we’ll tackle a bigger chunk of John by
looking at verses 43-54. The first two of these verses describe Jesus’
completion of the trip that He had set out on in the beginning of chapter 4
where we read in verse 3, “He left Judea and departed again for Galilee.” (John
4:3, ESV) Remembering that the gospel accounts were not written on the spot,
John brings in here a statement made by Jesus on another occasion when the
people of His home town took offense at Him. This reference was to a later event
that actually occurred in Nazareth, saying in Matthew 13:57, “A prophet is not
without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.” (Matthew 13:57,
ESV) But as we head into these verses it seems on the surface that the result
might have been a bit different in these earlier encounters. We read that many
of the people were also at the wedding in Cana and knew what He did in turning water into wine. As He came back they were attracted to Him because of the miraculous
things He had done before them.
Next John introduces miraculous event number two in Galilee.
As it turns out in Capernaum (about 16 miles from Cana) there was an official,
likely in the service of King Herod who was the Tetrarch of Galilee from 4 B.C.
to A.D. 39 (source: MacArthur Study Bible). This official’s son was ill, and
hearing that Jesus had come back to Galilee, he went to Him to ask Him to come
and heal his son. Jesus responded in a unique way which clarified what He knew
of the people’s expectations concerning Him upon His return, and showing why
John included the words of Jesus from another place and time.
Responding to their expectations Jesus said, “Unless you see
signs and wonders you will not believe.” The Greek word “you” used here is
plural in both of its uses in this verse (verse 48) indicating that Jesus was
responding to more than just the man’s personal request. He was speaking to the
people who had gathered to see what miracle He would work next, and here it was
a prime opportunity for Jesus to amaze them once again. Oh, so Jesus who as we already
know, knows the hearts of men, knew that these people from His own home area
really were there for the show and not out of belief. Even being home He was
expected to prove Himself to them with miraculous signs and wonders.
In response to Jesus’ statement the man did not focus on the
show of miracles, but was intently focused on the life of His son. He had no
doubts concerning whether Jesus could heal him, and he went on to respectfully plead,
“Sir, come down before my child dies.” Jesus was at the wedding and He turned
the water into wine. If He came to His son, the man was certain that He could
heal him as well. But rather than saying, “Let’s go,” Jesus told the man, “Go;
your son will live.” And our passage records for us that the man believed Jesus
at His word. He did not have to see his son being healed. Just hearing from
Jesus that his son was healed was enough for him. This man of authority seemed
to recognize the authority with which Jesus spoke, and he responded
Imagine the scene that happens next. We don’t know if he
wondered any on the way about whether or not this would really happen, whether
he had any doubts. All we know is that he believed and returned to his home. Then
as he is returning home his servants come out to meet him, and the news they
had for him was wonderful news—his son was getting better. It could have been a
coincidence, and the man might have always wondered if it were true that he was
actually healed (we don’t know as this is all speculation, the kind of
speculation that I imagine that I might have had). Proving it for himself, he
asked his servants just when he began to get better. Amazingly they told him
that it was at the very time that Jesus on the day before had told him this
would happen.
It is at this moment when any questions the man may have had
about who Jesus was melted away. Our passage records that the man believed, and
not only did the man believe but his whole household did as well. With the Samaritan
woman Jesus had a personal encounter with her telling her things that no one
else would know and telling her that He was indeed the Christ. The woman testified
of these things to the people of the town, and the end result was that many
believed. I imagine again here that as the official told of his own encounter
with Jesus and they saw the results of that encounter that they joined in his
testimony and believed. This completed, as John records, the second sign that
Jesus had performed in His own home, knowing that it would not be the last time
He returned to them.
There are so many lessons we could learn from passages such
as this. We see the power of Christ and His impact on those He encountered
leading them to salvation. We also see that regardless of what He does there
will be those who reject Him and do not believe. We see the power of personal
testimony as our lives are changed by Him, and we are able to share with others
what He has done for us even leading them to believe that He will do for them.
We see that He was clearly different than any other man. He knew the hearts of
men and He worked with the power that could only be from God. He personally
claimed to be the Christ, and He proved Himself such both in word and deed. These
are just some of the things that came to my mind as I reflected on this
encounter and the others of which we have read. Early in His ministry Jesus
clearly established His credentials, and people were coming to believe.
Thinking of this we can be encouraged to know that, as God,
Jesus has not changed. The heart of God for men and His call of them for
salvation is just as true today. His power to change lives is no less because
we physically do not see Him. As He left to sit at the right hand of the Father,
the father sent the Spirit into the world to bring people to belief and to
indwell and empower them for life. We read in Scripture that when we believe in
Jesus that our lives are changed eternally, and that at that very moment we
become a new creation in Him. We know that He hears and answers our prayers. We
read that He is actively the head of His church even today, directing our
steps. And we read that He is the very Word of God given for us. We, who have
trusted Him for salvation, have so much that we know beyond this when we even
consider what He has personally done in our own lives and the lives of those we
love who also have believed in Him, things that only could be done by Him.
Personally I’ve had plenty of times in the last couple of
years when I’ve, in a sense, been heading home with the promise that He has
done something on the other end, only to have moments of wondering whether or
not He really has. And just as the servants came out to meet the man, there
have also been many, many points along the way when God has reminded me that He
will do that which He said He would do. There have been with the trials of the
journey many accompanying encouragements. Reflecting on this I am encouraged to
continue on the path we believe Him to have laid for us, trusting that He has
prepared the other end. For us this journey has specifically been centered on
where He would next have me serve as pastor. I imagine that for you there may
also be something that you are having a struggle in trusting God. It may be a
challenge that you cannot immediately see met before your eyes, or it may even be
something for which humanly speaking there is not positive expectation such as
a terminal disease.
The greatest things we have as Christians to encourage us are
faith, hope, and love. We have faith because we know our God is faithful. He
will not let loose of us and He is capable to bring everything to His intended
completion whether in this life or in His presence. What He started in us He
will complete. Because of this we have hope. When we doubt we focus on some
degree of hopelessness, but when we place all of our struggles into the
perfectly capable hands of God we realize in hope that He does have everything
under control. And we have love. We have the eternal love of God that moved Him
to create us to have a perfect relationship with Him and then, knowing in
advance that man would rebel, to even send His Son to restore that relationship
after it was broken through sin. It is that same love that we abide in daily as
we trust Him to direct our steps, and it is that some love that never changes
that we will experience one day in its fullness for all of eternity.
So, as we walk by faith these journeys of trust we can be
assured that He indeed is working, and we can take Him at His word.
1 comment:
This blog was later delivered in sermon form on September 14, 2014 at Grace Bible Church, Grants Pass, Oregon. It can be listened to by clicking on "Sermon Links and More" on this page.
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