“It’s all good.” I don’t know about you, but my reaction to this
phrase is to think in my mind and sometimes respond, “No, it’s not.” I tend to
look at the phrase from an absolute standpoint, which maybe can be indicative
of a sense of realism or maybe even perfectionism. So, I went to the
urbandictionary.com to look it up in order to better understand what the user
of the phrase meant. The first thing I noticed of the three different
definitions is that they were ordered by surveyed rankings, and for every two
or three people that agreed with the definition there was at least one that did
not using a thumbs up/thumbs down system. But the one that seemed to have far
more thumbs up is, “Despite any possible doubt, everything’s cool.” In other
words, just because this may of happened or you may have done this to me it doesn't change our relationship or it doesn't matter that you did this and even did it
to me. The interesting thing is that the sample phrase is one that should have
exuded a strong reaction because it definitely was a severely wrong action to
which the person responded nonchalantly. What this really told me was closer to
the last of three definitions.
The third definition referred to the phrase as a platitude
which is used to cover emotions and situations. It says very little, and its
only real meaning is that the speaker is trying to rise above whatever problem
exists, without expressing their underlying negative emotions. (They might be
angry, sad, upset, frustrated, hurt, disappointed, etc.) It is often used in a
passive-aggressive way, and rarely is used compassionately for someone else,
trying to make them feel better.
While this might seem like a good thing and maybe even be
quite biblical, at its core there are several concerns with the phrase. Primary
to it is the disconnection from reality and relationships. We all sin and we
all encounter hurtful situations, and being able to forgive and move on in the
worst of them is indeed a beneficial thing. But burying them or writing them
off in a casual way seems to say that these things just don’t matter at all.
As Christians we are to think soberly about our sins;
admitting them to God, acknowledging that they had indeed been forgiven at a
great cost to His Son, and committing before Him to walk in a manner worthy of
the calling which we have been given. We are also to confess our sins to one
another and to encourage one another in walking in the righteousness of Christ
as we rely on the enablement of the Holy Spirit. We are also to be forgiving
toward one another, with actively choosing not to make an issue of some things
but going to the person when necessary for others. There is nothing casual or
indifferent about this, but it is an active moment by moment choice about how
we are going to live.
Beyond that, there is the literal reality that not
everything is good. When God created in the beginning it was indeed all good.
In fact, He said it was very good. But then came sin. We now live in a fallen
word, we live among people who are lost in their trespasses and sins, and for
us who know the forgiveness of our sins we realize that we still do sin. There
is much more “not good” than there is good. BUT GOD, He works all things for
good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans
8:28). It is when we even take the bad or difficult things of the world and
submit them to the Lordship of Christ and entrust them into the hands of God
our Father that we see His Spirit work in us to do incredible things.
1 Peter 1:13-16 Therefore, prepare your minds for action,
keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be
brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed
to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy
One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is
written, “You shall be holy, for I am
In the beginning I mentioned my usual response, but what I
said is only part of my response. My whole response is, “No, it’s not, BUT GOD
IS.” When responding this way it refocuses my heart and mind, and when I
respond this way verbally it even frequently gives an opportunity for further
discussion with the other individual.
Today in “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young (6/5)
Remember that you live in a fallen world: an abnormal world
tainted by sin. Much frustration and failure result from your seeking
perfection in this life. There is nothing perfect in this world except Me. That
is closeness to Me satisfies deep yearnings and fills you with Joy.
I have planted longing for perfection in every human heart.
This is a good desire, which I alone can fulfill. But most people seek this
fulfillment in other people and earthly pleasures or achievements. Thus they
create idols, before which they bow down. I will have no other gods before Me!
Make Me the deepest desire of your heart. Let Me fulfill your yearning for
“You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the
desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
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